Be present, not perfect

Most of us have that perfection issue rear its ugly head on a daily basis, I know it does for me. With how I am as a person, the art I do and as a practising Art Therapist, wanting my sessions to bring out the most for my client.  We are constantly faced with failure, having high standards and being let down, sending our inner voice into a spin with negative thoughts and behaviours. Do you have any of these perfection behaviours… 

  • Procrastinating

  • Constantly checking

  • Hoarding

  • Approval seeking

  • Avoidance

  • Excessive perfectionism

  • Giving up

  • Anger

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I will put my hand up and say yes to at least three! Because of this, we don’t allow ourselves to be present in the moment. Often when people come to see me, I am met with apprehension, saying “I don’t know if I can do this, I am not an artist and it won’t be very good”. This is where the great part comes in: it’s about the process, what comes through as expression through the art, not how perfect it going to be. So, this is where you just “be” in the moment and be present, letting come to the surface, manifesting in the lines, stick figures, collage or whatever you choose to create. In fact, the less perfect the art is the more will become clear in an Art Therapy session. 

When we are present in our lives, we appreciate the small things. Accept our imperfections & love who we are. We all have a unique blueprint, and no one else’s is the same… How amazing is that!!! Pat yourself on the back for all the hard work and positive achievements, and I will too. 

 “One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist”
― Stephen Hawking 

“Remember to be present, not perfect” 

Share if you would like to, I would love to hear from you. 

Take care for now. 

Michelle. 🦋


Dwell in the possible


Let go of Worry